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Sedreh Pooshi / Navjote







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The second Sedreh Pooshi-Navjot

ceremony in Moscow, Russia



By blessing of Ahura Mazda, for the second time a group

initiation ceremony was held in Moscow, Russia on Sunday 14th of December 2008.

New Behdins from
Iran and Russia (native Russians) attended

the ceremony to join Zarathushti Religion. An Iranian Mobed
performed the ceremony.

Anjuman-e Bozorg Bazgasht (and Zarathushthrian Association of

Norway) in a cooperation with Zarathushties of Moscow  organized

 a spiritual program for a group initiation ceremony and Zarathushthtrian marriage ceremonies(GAVAH-GIRAN) for

two couples of new Russian Behdins in Moscow.

On 15th of December our honorable Mobed and members of

Anjuman-e Bozorg Bazgasht attended a religious dialogue which

was organized by University of Moscow. First Mobed gave a

lecture about Gathas in the Department of Philosophy and

Religion. His speech was translated to the Russian
language from Persian by Professor Vladimir. B.Ivanov who is

head of the department at University of Moscow.

On 16th of December another meeting was held at the department

of Iranian Studies in University of Moscow.

Anjuman-e Bozorg Bazgasht would like to 
take this opportunity to

thank our  very kind Hamdin Mr.Farrokh in Moscow for offering

our New Behdins and members of our anjuman his best helps.


May Ahura Mazda bless all our new Zarathushtis in Iran and











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